It’s September, and we all know what that means!
It’s still warm, but the nights are getting cooler, at least in the Northern Hemisphere. The trees start to put on their multicolored party clothes, giving us a glorious display before they bed down for the winter. Pawpaws start hitting the ground (and if you’ve never had a good pawpaw, you’re missing out).
Some folks dread the coming of winter, but for Kari and I, autumn is the best season, hands down.
September also means a brand-new batch of Monthly Reads from Spiral Publishing!
This month, the stories are all about people and their relationships. Because let’s face it, the interactions between all the different flavors of humans are what make the world go ’round.
These six stories are available this month at a special discounted price, and we hope they help you welcome the coming of Fall!

We start off with my story Coming Home, featuring Paul and Maggie. They both left the sleepy Appalachian town of Gladeville after high school, but find themselves back after twenty years. They both realize that their favorite hangout spot isn’t the only thing that remains the same.

Next, Kari takes us to Illinois to prospect for The Real Treasure of Cairo. Anyone who has ever been the executor of an estate knows things don’t always go smoothly. Fortunately, April finds a potential new family member to make up for the troublesome ones.

Then it’s off to the wild black yonder of outer space. Or the wild purple yonder, in the case of Cleaning Crew. A deep-space exploration vessel currently stuck in C-Squared drive must deal with a horrible threat known all too well to anyone with indoor plumbing. With luck, and a little help from a few alien life forms, things will be back to normal soon. Unless the aliens have a different plan.

In Jenna and the Lightning Beast, Kari explores a different sort of home maintenance by answering the question of who builds and repairs all those superhero lairs. Also those who seek to destroy those lairs. And whatever else they can find. With luck, Jenna and her friends can stop the latest threat before things get broken beyond repair.

Fire has been Humankind’s ally and enemy since first harnessed. In The Love of Fire, Jason introduces us to Laura, a young girl at that awkward age when nothing fits right, including her emotions. Thankfully, a good man becomes a good friend and helps her balance her love with the proper control.

Finally, Kari takes us back to the Appalachian Mountains and a desperate race against time. She knows that when Trevor lands in potentially fatal trouble, the help of a good Auntie can make all the difference.
So sit back, get some good cider ready, prop your feet on your favorite hassock, and enjoy! But don’t wait too long. This bundle is only available at the special price until the end of the month.
But don’t fret. When October rolls around, we’ll have a brand-new batch of Monthly Reads ready for your perusing pleasure.
Happy reading!