Several of Spiral Publishing author Kari Kilgore's stories have been included in past editions of WMG's Holiday Spectacular, and this fifth anniversary year is no exception! We'll let Kari tell you more, and don't miss your chance to get into the holiday spirit with amazing stories!
I'm absolutely delighted to have a story featured in the wonderful WMG Publishing's Holiday Spectacular for the fifth year in a row! "The Most Impressive Courage of a Little Tortie Cat" revisits the fabulous Hidden Springs Inn and Spa, and features not one but two of the inn's magical cats.
This time around, you'll get to meet Brigid and Ivan, who take on the sweet job of making sure two nerdy humans meet. I had all kinds of fun writing this one, especially with the focus on a unique and highly geeky holiday.
My story will keep amazing company as part of 40 original stories delivered to your inbox every day from American Thanksgiving all the way through to January 1. A perfect gift for yourself and all the readers in your life!
And this year, you can pick up past Holiday Spectaculars with gorgeous new artwork, and great merchandise like puzzles, mugs, coasters, pillows, and blankets. Perfect for curling up with a hot drink and a brand new holiday story.Writers on your gift list will love the special workshops not available anywhere else, too!
The Kickstarter goes through November 2, so make sure to get your holiday shopping done early and get ready to relax and enjoy your holiday tales.