Cooking Up a New Issue of Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem!

Cooking Up a New Issue of Mystery, Crime, and Mayhem!

MCM's annual cozy issue is back, and this time it's all about food! And in my case, the challenge of yet again figuring out what to eat for lunch when you're at work.

MCM's Cooking Up Crime

Especially when your favorite food-court spot gets shut down for mysterious—and possibly nefarious—reasons.

Join me on a trip back to Atlanta and my days in the downtown corporate world with "Saving a Kinder Soul," another unusual Edie and Edgar adventure!

With tales by Annie Reed, Leah R. Cutter, Chris Chan, Cate Martin, Diana Deverell, Jason A. Adams, Joslyn Chase, and Robert Jeshonek, you're sure to find a tale in Cooking Up Crime perfectly suited to your taste.

And don't forget, since this is issue 19, there's plenty of criminally good reading to catch up on!

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